
Thursday, 28 June 2012

Away from Malaysia again

I am so excited as my BFF Bayam (as we nickname her) and I will be away from Malaysia for a four day short vacation in The Land of Smiles. This trip will be my second trip going there within a year. This time around, shopping is not the main agenda (it was for the past few months but not any more due to fund constraint..hahaha) I am expecting more photo-taking and sight seeing as I already owned a dslr.. hehehe.. 

p/s: my BFF nicknamed me as Mariam or sometimes Mary ..hmmm

Anyway, I have already courier Sabah goodies to one of our winner, Soulie for "Borneo Giveaway Contest".  

Did some doodles on the message cover :p

See u guys again hopefully with more exciting stories about my vacation.. ta ta ..


  1. The Land Of Smiles? Where's that? Blur jap.. Haha.. But yeay go cuti2!

  2. i remember she said bangkok. i didnt know the nickname is the land of smiles hehe.

    i love the doodle! terel lah leh wat detail cam kak emila

  3. bella, cer tanya Pak Google..hahaha

    Soulie.. doodle tu i cuba buat jer..pastu mcm menjadi plak..hahaha

    1. Baru google.. dan baru tahu Land of Smiles.. :) ... kirim salam kat aweks2 sana ekk.. lol

  4. macam ku kenal....hye trip europe mv mau berangan jap p sana.......hahahaa
