I found this in the ladies, 5th floor (my previous office). I was like "whatever"...there must be something going on between the aunties in the office. An advice from me, "Do respect others and the rest will do so"....
p.s: Sudah2 la gado mak cik2 semua
Demonic Angel
Demonic Angel
I wonder those makcik2 will ever read that thing or not.... LOL..
ReplyDeleteade gak wat iklan cenggitu
ReplyDeletenormal la tu kalo keje kat opis..
ade berpura2 depan kite baik, belakang kite cucuk ngan lidi sate.. ehehehe
jgn layan je.. buat hal sendiri2 dahlaa..
ReplyDeleteMakcik2 B***** memang kelakar..
perghhhhhh. sampai ade iklan mcm tu. gempak tuh. tapi kan bagus juge. sape makan tomato dia la rase masam. heheh
ReplyDeleteAstaga ada ke tulis mcm tu marvic? Ish ish BERNAS lucky i dah tinggal ha haha!!!
ReplyDeleteKelakarnye surat ni ahaks!
ReplyDeleteDemonic Angel, i dont know but it is really funny
ReplyDeleteFazzy, diorg ni suka buat iklan kot..LOL
Khemy, jgn x tau diorg ni mmg kelakar dgn perangai masing2..
Iyda, kita layan je... :p
Marzie, u pon pernah keje kat sini kan..so u should know perangai diorg mcm maner..we the youngster ni gelak je la...LOL
Makcik² ni dah tua² pun nk gado² lagi..apa daa.....
ReplyDeleteBain, usia bukan penghalang utk kita nak beremosi..betul x?..LOL