Hahaha..Recently, Fazzy and I has been instructed by fellow blogger, Ahmad Nazif, proud owner of Jurufoto.Blogspot.Com to have a special post in our blog - Ahmad Nazif Quest for a Girlfriend. So now here is my post for his request.
Ahmad Nazif is a Malaysian who works in enginering field at Saudi Arabia. He is in quest for a partner in crime a.k.a girlfriend. He however doesnt put any specific criteria for any interested candidate except that she has to be looks like Angelina Jolie.Dont ask me why but that is what he looking for at the moment. He is a freelance photographer and still in a long holiday in Malaysia before going back to his work in Saudi Arabia. You can see his photography works in his blog. If you like photography as much as he like it, then you may be the one that he is looking for. For those who is interested to be in the list, please do not hesitate to enroll yourself at his blog - Jurufoto.Blogspot.Com. My job is to post about his quest in my blog and here it is. Ok Nazif, $10 for this advertisement. Nothing is free nowadays...hahahaha.
Weh what are you doing..
ReplyDeleteHuhuhu main2 lah hari tu..
Aduh malu nyer...
Lotpi thu nie mesti dia tergelak besar u know..
aku tak gelak pon.. serius aku tak gelak.. kakakakaakakak.
ReplyDeletenazif: kakakaka...everything is serius to me bro...
ReplyDeleteLotfi: jom kiter gelak besar..kakakakaka....
silap², Nazif would be the 1st blogger in M'sia, match-makerd by Marvic, secara ONLINE ??? Semoga Nazif berbahagia hingga ke anak cucu..amin..amin...amin.......:)
ReplyDeleteNazif: then u should commission Marvic more than $10! wiwiiii....^_^'
wahh.. ok2 jap lagi nak masuk kat my blog plak.. i dah terkeluar da list.. hehehe nak muka cam angelina jolie.. perghh taste tinggi tu.. takde hal bro.. for u punye pasal.. takde hal la
ReplyDeleteBain: boleh gak...hehehehe...mana nak cari angelina jolie look alike nie....kalau dah confirmed..xder nyer $10...it has to be more than that..lol
ReplyDeleteFazzy: karang I visit ur blog..hehehe
marvic.. i dah letak!! iskk dah terlepas nak ngorat.. hahaha
ReplyDeleteagak-agak sang teruna macam brad pitt ke nak si dara ibarat angelina jolie?
ReplyDeleteKjas, rasa2 nya muka si nazif ni ader ke mcm brad pitt kalau nak digandingkan dgn angelina jolie malaysia...kakakakkaa
ReplyDeletefazzy, u kena usaha lebih keras lagi la kalau nak ngorat si nazif nie....buat makeover besar-besaran so that boleh dpt rupa macam angelina jolie :)
ReplyDeletehahaha.. malas la.. i dah cop sorg mber i nih.. he more kiut dr nazif, hehehe
ReplyDeletehahahaha...dah melepas la kau nazif dgn si fazzy ni...kekekeke
ReplyDeletehmm.. intresting..;)
ReplyDeleteserious ke ni?.. braper umo nazif ni...
ada sedara aku tak kawen lagi ni..
dan dia mmg nak carik org yg kjer kat saudi.. so that dia leh g buat haji.. huhu....
arab saudi? wow! best je. which part of arab saudi? my cousin ada dekat riyadh.. hehe..
ReplyDeletecara baru promote.. erm.. nak tgk gambar, tp something wrong, i can view them.. :(
anonymous.. muka sedara u sebijik angelina ke? kalo ok, takde hal, i tak sabar nak makan2 kat menara kl ni ngan marvic!!
ReplyDeleteanonymous, si nazif ni baru je 25 tahun..(rasanya la)..kalau berminat boleh la minta anak sedara tu contact nazif teus..kalau malu..i ader boleh tolong htrkan pesan..hehehehe
ReplyDeletediya, kalau u nak masuk skali jadi calon pun boleh gak...hahahaha