
Friday, 31 October 2008

My Telephone Claims was REJECTED

My telephone claims from June to July 2008 was rejected by our admin because we were not supposed to send in any claims that due more than 3 month. It is so frustrated because I am losing RM120 for both month.Moral of the story to me is NEVER, NEVER,NEVER neglected my monthly claim after this...Urghhh.....Damn it...

Anyway...I am not going to let it go just like that because its RM120.00...that is a lot of money for me. I am going to appeal as it is my first I did this....wish me luck....


  1. Appeal je Marvic, for sure can one he he! :)

  2. Buat muka kesian sikit ha ha! :)

  3. But seriously, hope u get ur claims yeah? HUGSY! :):):)

  4. Oh that's terrible.. you should definitely appeal.. or speak to your immediate superiod..

  5. i have already submit the appeal letter and hopefully they will considered it...pity me kan?... :(

  6. babe,
    kat sini, if your claim berumur setengah tahun pon they'll accept asalkan u hv the receipts & wateva documents. betoll.. hari tu my friend claimed hers (jan-jun 2008), dpt je. dah la the amount reaches rm1k++... haha..

    hope you'll get yours!

  7. kat company ni mmg x leh lebih 3 bulan...sedeh tau...
